
Numerous local and national community relations groups  have recently encountered the phenomena of “intersectionality” on and off campus in the discussion about BDS. Intersectionality is the study of related systems of oppression. It holds that various forms of oppression — racism, sexism, classism, ableism, and homophobia — constitute an intersecting system of oppression.  Some believe that intersectionality is providing ideological fuel for the BDS movement. Yet intersectionality is much more than a concept related to BDS and Israel, and it is crucial that we understand it in all its complexity.

 To what degree is intersectionality catching on? Is it new? Is it a threat? Is it an opportunity? And, lastly, how do we effectively engage in the discussion?

Moderator: Jeremy Burton Speakers: Dr. Marla BrettschneiderIlana Kaufman

Background Materials:
Grappling with Intersectionality: A Webinar for Community Colleagues

Op-Ed: The anti-Israel trend you’ve never heard of by David Bernstein

Jewish Feminism and Intersectionality by Dr. Marla Brettschneider